Daily Energy Cleansing Habits ✨🍃 | Spiritual Hygiene Tips
One of the things I take pretty seriously in my craft is spiritual hygiene, and you might know that by how often I bang on about it! I don't particularly like calling myself an "empath", but I'm someone who picks up on others energies very quickly, so there's a whole bunch of protections and cleansing habits I use to make sure I don't carry round that energy for long (if it all!)
I truly believe there's not much a good spiritual cleanse can't fix. Tired? Cleanse. Unwell? Cleanse. Feeling unhappy or stuck in a rut? Cleanse. Irritated and argumentative? Cleanse! My preferred method is smoke cleansing, but with a child and 5 animals, that isn't always possible, so here's my other favourites :
cleansing floor washes
lemon slices placed around the home
salt + herb floor sweep
sound cleansing with a bell, pans, screaming! Whatever the occasion calls for.
opening all the windows and doors
cleaning with an energy purification spray
burning white candles
do a cleansing simmer pot
spray a cleansing + purification spray around the home
take a spiritual bath
throw salt under your feet in the shower
add a drop of Florida water to the back of your neck, forehead + crown
use a cleansing spiritual oil
run selenite around your body
wear crystal jewellery
spray an aura cleansing spray around yourself
stand outside in the wind or rain and ask for your energy to be cleansed
place a selenite wand near your bed whilst you sleep